This detailed API guide gives popular use cases and other developer information

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Access Route

Patient Information





IM1 -
Internet via either 
NHS Login or 
Linkage Codes
Appointments, prescriptions, and medical recordsEMIS=REST;  TPP=REST; INPS Vision=SOAPIM1 patient allows patients to access their own medical records and prescriptions through patient care applications outside of an NHS practice4 monthsModerate
IM1 - 
Within GP practice 
with direct 
integration with 
partner system
Patient medical records
Patient prescriptions
EMIS=REST; TPP=REST; INPS Vision=SOAPIM1 transaction allows medical personal within a practice to access most patient information and to modify patient records and prescriptions4 monthsModerate
IM1 - BulkWithin GP practice with direct integration with partnet system.Daily, weekly or monthly extracts of bulk patient dataEMIS=REST; TPP=REST; INPS Vision=SOAPIM1 Bulk allows a GP practice to get frequent updates on bulk clinical data. Data retrieved can be up to 24 hours old and is therefore not recommended for direct patient care.4 monthsModerate
GP Connect - Access RecordHSCN lineClinical information including, current and past prescriptions, repeat prescriptions, current and past medical issues, allergies and more.FHIR via SSP (Not RESTful)Access records allows medical personal within a GP to view patient medical but does not allow modification of records. The API can only currently be accessed from within the PCN, usually within a medical practice. 2 MonthsHigh
GP Connect - Appointment ManagementHSCN line Patient appointments and GP appointment availability.FHIR via SSP (Not RESTful)Appointment management allows medical personal to book and manage patient appointments. A medical practice can allocate appointment slots to be managed by GP Connect. The API can only currently be accessed from within the PCN, usually within a medical practice. 2 MonthsHigh
GP Connect - Send DocumentHSCN via authorised applicationNoneFHIR over MESH (MESH is RESTful)Send document allows medical personal within a care facility to send a PDF to a patients registered GP system. 2 MonthsHigh
MESHHSCN lineNoneRESTful APIThis is a prerequisite for GP Connect.4 Weeks Moderate
PDS FHIR (Application restricted)InternetDemographic information available, Restricted information flag, replaced NHS id of a single patientRESTful APIDoes not require HSCN line.4 WeeksModerate
PDS FHIR (Health worker access)HSCN or internet with strong authenticationDemographic information available, multiple results on wild card allowedRESTful APIAllows a health care worker to search for, retrieve, and update the demographic information for patients.4-6 weeksHigh
PDS FHIR (Patient Access)Internet via NHS LoginSummary Care record of the authenticated patientRESTful APIAllows individiual patients to retrieve and update their own demographic information. 2 Weeks Not known*
SCR FHIR Requires strong authentication either via Smart card on HSCN or modern alternative via the internetSummary Care record of the patient availableRESTful API Allows a strongly authenticated health care worker to view and update a patients summary care record. 2 weeksNot known*

NHS API Related Terms

General Terms



IM1 IM1 is not a single API but an integration standard defining how clinical system providers should allow access to clinical data. The standard defines 3 primary APIs, Patient, Bulk and Transaction, each of which we can include distinctly. HSCN is not needed to access to GP systems, as they each have their own secure access mechanisms.There are three different APIs, one for each GP Clinical System: TPP, EMIS and INPS Vision.
GP ConnectGP Connect is not a single API but a collection of APIs. Uses HSCN and ODS code as the access route.GP Connect allows authorised clinical staff to share and view GP practice clinical information and data between IT systems.
HL7 CDAHL7 CDA is a data exchange standard rather than an NHS API.  Requires HSCN as the access route. A Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) can contain any type of clinical content - e.g., Discharge Summary, Imaging Report, Admission & Physical, Pathology Report etc.
HL7 V3HL7 V3  is a global standard for health care data exchange. HL7 V3 is the predecessor to FHIRThis API will be retired on 31 March 2023. Not available for new onboardings. Requires HSCN as the access route.
DM+D DatabaseThe NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) is the NHS standard dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK, and is a cornerstone of the Electronic Prescription Service, since Pharmacy and GP system suppliers adopt or map to the information included within it. Need to create your own login (free). Access route is Internet.

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