Blueberry In-Patient Management System

The Blueberry In-Patient Management System is a simple web-based application to help ward staff manage patient traffic and bed allocation within a hospital. BIMS makes the daily process of patient and bed management easier, improves staff efficiency by saving time and helps management meet hospital performance targets.

BIMS - Patient Traffic & Bed Allocation

The BIMS system provides:

  • An efficient way of monitoring and managing patient flow through the hospital. 
  • Bed occupancy status across the whole hospital, including real time status reports which assist in meeting the Trust’s performance targets.
  • Full integration with other systems within the Trust, so reducing the need for duplicate data entry.
Manual Add Patient.png

Clear graphical user displays which show the location of patients within the wards of the hospital, allowing staff to:

  • Add notes to patients’ records
  • Manage bed requests and transfers
  • Write prescriptions
  • Generate discharge letters

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